meals packaged by Ingram Micro Irvine over a two-day event for Rise Against Hunger to help do our part in the fight against world hunger.
families attended the Ingram Micro Canada Appreciation Day event at Canada’s Wonderland.
raised by Ingram Micro UK during its company-wide bike-a-thon and bake-off, with all proceeds going to its 2017 charity, Willen Hospice.
awards earned at the MEA Distribution Conference in South Africa, including: APC Distributor of the Year 2016, Gulf (Aptec Gulf); APC Product Manager of the Year 2016, Gulf (Shahana Aizaz); Outstanding Performance for the Year 2016, Pakistan (Aptec Pakistan).
day a month that Ingram Micro France holds their “Full English Speaking Day” to practice English language skills.
Israeli Shekels raised by Ingram Micro Israel | DC/POS Eastern Europe and META for Camp Sababa, Israel Burn Camp for Children, hosted by Our Children Foundation at Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel.
days Ingram Micro META attended GISEC 2017, the largest Cyber Security Exhibition in the Middle East.
number of languages in which Mike Zilis can order a beer, although he claims to only speak English and Spanish fluently.