Kicking off 2016

Kicking off 2016

Global executives set the direction for Ingram Micro in 2016, aiming higher than ever before.

On March 1-3, more than 120 members of Ingram Micro’s executive leadership gathered in Irvine, California, for the 2016 Global Executive Kickoff.

CEO Alain Monié started the meeting, including a Year in Review that captured 2016’s key successes, along with his recommendations on how to maximize success in 2016.

The meeting continued by discussing ways to best achieve our vision: “With Ingram Micro, the world will realize the promise of technology.” The heads of our business units and functions gave in-depth presentations, followed by question-and-answer sessions. Focus areas included providing the best possible service to our customers and vendors, and driving success by retaining and hiring great people. The last was reinforced in a group exercise led by Human Resources on how to “Hire Great!”

Attendees received a 2016 Global Executive Kickoff booklet summarizing 2016 goals and strategies of each of our business units and functional groups, as well as information on driving success in each of those areas.

“The best strategy in the world will not be successful without great execution and continuing to do the ‘small, everyday’ things well,” said Alain, reflecting on how we can best approach 2016.

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