Why Ingram Micro?

Why Ingram Micro?

Employer branding, or the story we tell about Ingram Micro and what it means to work here, should create a lasting, positive impression on the candidates who apply. It should also help attract people who have the right skills, personality and behaviors to thrive in Ingram Micro’s company culture. This philosophy is behind Talent Acquisition’s current push to update and clarify Ingram Micro’s image.

“Research shows the number one obstacle to candidates in the application process is not knowing what it’s like to work at an organization,” said Greg Hauser, director, Talent Acquisition. “That’s why we want to ensure candidates experience Ingram Micro’s values in action. From their first interactions with us to when they’re interviewing, these are our best opportunities to make a good impression and create positive word of mouth, even if they don’t get hired.”

Best-Kept Secret

To help get the word out about Ingram Micro, talent acquisition partnered with our marketing team to create “Why Ingram Micro?”—the first of a series of videos positioning Ingram Micro as a forward-thinking workplace and a top consideration for new graduates. The video is posted on YouTube and has been shared on our social media channels.

“At headquarters in Irvine, Calif., we’re the biggest public company in the area, but few people outside of information technology have heard of us,” said Hauser. “This is a perfect example of the opportunity we face here and globally to let job seekers know more about this great company, and the many roles and opportunities we have for them.”

How Can You Help?

Share your passion for working at Ingram Micro by spreading the word over social media. Take a moment now to quickly and easily share the “Why Ingram Micro?” video with friends and colleagues:

Step 1: Go to http://www.linkedin.com, log in and locate “Share an update” or “Update status” near the top.


Step 2: Copy and paste this copy into the text box:

Ingram Micro helps businesses Realize the Promise of Technology™! Learn more about why it’s a great place to work! http://ow.ly/5YgA304dMp2

Step 3: Wait a moment for LinkedIn to automatically pull the picture and description, then click “Share.”


For questions or more information about Ingram Micro’s talent acquisition programs, contact Greg Hauser.

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