By The Numbers


Pounds of food sorted, or 3,590 meals, by Ingram Micro Canada associates from HR, Legal, Facilities and Security for the Mississauga Food Bank in Ontario, Canada.


participants, 54 volunteers and 40 vendor sponsors at Ingram Micro’s West Coast Charity Golf Classic and Wine Tasting raised more than $200,000, benefitting local charities: Canine Companions for Independence, Gold Rush Cure Foundation, Honor Flight Southland & Inspire Life Skills Training.


Ingram Micro facilities provided energy data in 2016 to help complete our first emissions inventory report. See our inaugural CDP report here.


megapixel camera and other features are packed into the V7 Zyro five-inch Android handset—the first private-label mobile phone we’re offering to European mobile operator and retailer customers.


participants, 103 brands and 100 new partners attended the 15th annual Simposium, in Barcelona, Spain, which ran nonstop for nine hours, highlighting gaming, mobility and advanced solutions products and services (video).


more countries now under way as Ingram Micro Connect continues to expand its global reach, with Mexico now live and Canada coming soon. Questions about Connect or your country’s status? Reach out to

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