Ingram Micro News

Gratitude and the Power of Saying Thank You

With holiday season upon us and the end of year quickly approaching, I, like many of you, spend time reflecting on all the things that make up my life: family, health, work, friends and self.  When doing so, I am left with the fact that I am far luckier than I deserve.  I am married to my college sweetheart and best friend, we have two great kids, we are healthy, I have an awesome job where I get to spend time with incredible people that make me better each and every day, we have amazing friends and we support and

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A Rise in Humanity and Empathy within the Business Community

A Rise in Humanity and Empathy within the Business Community

April 13, 2020 Features

These are unprecedented times, full of anxiety and uncertainty. Because of COVID-19, businesses are closed, families and individuals are sheltering in place, thousands are getting sick and too many have died. We are scared. But there is hope, as individuals, communities and companies around the world are coming together; unified to fight this disease and support one another. While the news skews toward the negative – bigotry, the hording of supplies, fights over toilet paper and other inconsiderate acts – we have witnessed incredible acts of kindness and generosity. So many of us are stepping up to help our neighbors,

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